Friday, 20 July 2012

Playing Hard!

Taking life seriously is to take ourselves seriously. It is to take our bodies, our minds, our emotions, our exterior, our interior, our skills, our thoughts, our ideas, our appearances, our speech, our relationships, our money, our spirit, our beliefs, our dreams, our passions, our food, our health, our sexuality, our homes, our surroundings - our everything seriously. 

Taking life seriously, is NOT to be serious, or boring, or stuck up, or rigid, or narrow, or fundamentalist, or closed. It is being serious about taking life seriously and that can sufficiently happen when life is seen as a 'play'. Games, Drama, Dance, Plays are great illustrations that bring together life in all their fullness and make it worth living. No wonder ancient texts talk about creation and the world in terms of a dance, or a play and the idea of delight or bliss  (ananda) is so central to conceptions of the good life.

To play is not to be unserious, rather it is to be serious of the highest order, so serious that it is no longer constrained by our normal understandings of seriousness. The Gita calls this world as Lila or as the play of the divine. So let's play at the highest levels, nationals, internationals and 'universals' and make this short-spanned life beautiful.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Don't! don't read any further, Please

Don’t read any further
Stop reading I say
You don’t want to know
You really don’t

And yet you read

But why
Why do you read on?
Why can’t you just stop?
STOP! Stop reading, I beg!

I am sure you are NOT reading this

Alas, I am wrong
You still are reading!

What can I do to make you stop?
Make you give up, abandon
Move on as if you have not read
I say don’t but yet still you do

But you can’t help yourself, can you
Because it’s not really you
it's actually not even about you, really
Its the words seeking their whole
Semantic unity, they say
Half in your consciousness
The others in the lines below
Condemned to meaning
Its tyranny not a travesty
Memes says Dawkins with a glee
But it’s the mother of memes
The one who bore them
The eternal goddess

λόγος शब्द Word
Call what you may
She lives on forever
In and through you
And of course beyond you
Humans come, humans go
She lives on
Ancient of days
Creating, destroying, recreating
Forming, reforming, multiforming
Tower of Babel, mustn’t forget
Nor the Pentecost
Regaining regal power
In her being
The universe came to be
She lifted her voice
And the walls came tumbling
She has seen the beginning
And in her is the end
You and I
Her playmates in time
Must stop now
Can’t let her always...