Monday, 3 October 2011

Passion Lasts forever

Fell in love
But soon
Failed in love
She was engaged
Secretly to an other
Sent to be a dealer
Family wanted him
Wheeling and dealing
To Paris was he sent
In 1875
Art or commodity
Perverse vulgarity
Resentment led to
Fled Paris
For England
Turned to religion
Found his passion at last
This is what I want to do
True vocation mine to stay
Will serve my God
Till death cease my
Action apart
But failed again
Entrance exams
Couldn’t clear
Ok, a smaller post, but
Failed again
No diploma, not even a certificate
No chance
For even a tiny portion
Of the dream
Couldn’t be a doctor
Not even a nurse
Not even an attendant
There is no room
In the hospital
But passion dies hard
Especially when
Kicked down by defeats
The force of the failures
Fuels its flames
The dream it meant to destroy
Resurrects with strength
Onward to Petit Wasmes
Borinage, Belgium
Into the coal mines
Living like a miner
Slept on straw spread floors
Behind the baker’s door
Foxes have holes
Birds have nests
But all he had was
Sobs and tears
But failure strikes again
Got kicked out
Of the coalmine
For undermining
The dignity of
The dream
Custodians of the dream
Guardians of the Church
Or art dealers from Rome
Family found him crazy
Sent him to an asylum
At Geel
Failed in love
Failed in dealing
Failed in religion
But the passion
Kept burning
Changed form
But kept burning
Turned to art
In the service of God
Some capture in words
And I will do pictures
Maybe the good times
Are at last in rolling
Love seems to come knocking
No sooner the notion
Old friend failure screams
Niet, Nooit, Nimmer
Failures come in all kinds
But the greatest of these is love
The preacher turns to prostitute
To Sien’s bosom for love
Love she did
Gonorrhoea he caught
Failure comes back visiting
Sardonic smiles
Passion enflamed
Turns menacing
He paints her with his brush
The art turns violent
To God be the glory
Gordina de Groot
Is pregnant
Time is running fast
How long would passion last?
The pictures and the prostitutes
Came fast, rapidly working his brush
Chased from the hospital
Not to be a doctor
Neither nurse nor attendant
He came back in
As a patient
For the asylum he sought
Fou roux’ was he called
The red headed madman
Friends and family desert
And failure promptly is back
For a last visit
Shot through his chest
At thirty-seven
Revolver he held
With his own hand
Passion ebbing
Twenty-nine long hours
Cigarette reaching its butt
Flicker ready to snuff
Closed his eyes
And out came the
Famous last words
‘The sadness
Will last
A madman, menacing
Died a pauper
With no lover
To hold his hand
But sadness is passion reformed
Passion lasts forever
Who would have thought
The un-loved was a father
His true begotten child
Today worth in billions
He dwells amongst the rich
Famous he makes the ordinary
The ordinary has become famous
Millions call on his name
His pictures enframe their souls
The final battle commences
Failure charges passion
Passion flares its nostrils
A flick of the brush
A throw of the wrist
A death-blow it receives
And Failure falls to its knees
Failure fails to conquer
Receives a sardonic stab to the chest
Passion snuffs failure
Passion never dies
Passion lasts forever

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to the great Vincent Van Gogh and to you. Nicely written biography of the artist in lines!
