Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Desperate Revolutions

Revolutions come
In all shapes and sizes
With added colours
For the camera
Fun frills for the ride
Freedom from religion
Brought enlightenment
Freedom from slavery
Yes, look, we are genuinely free
Freedom from sexuality
Liberated roles and orientations
But nothing new under the sun
Revolutions have always defined
The human race
They exist
From ancient of days
But hark, listen
There is something new
A Rumble in the air
A thunder
That never before clapped
A view of the world
That you alone have
With the click of a mouse
Behold, view the whole world
Knowledge of its history
Power to divinise its posterity
And yet
The view circumscribes
The limits of humanity
Visions beyond the glasshouse
Can be seen but never reached
Nowhere to go
Nothing more to live for
Nothing satisfies
Any longer
Cheap thrills they feed us
Money, jobs and holidays
Invent dreams
Boring routines
Fed up of progress
Have lived it
Success has lost its charm
Materiality its glitter
Work its purpose
Holidays its thrill
If this is to be human
Then tired of being one
Hence this revolt
From New York to London
Stepping blithely
From Bahrain to Egypt
Not for freedom
Not against ideology
Against human, it is
The revolt
Against Humanity

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